Nigerian Election Winning Strategy: Overcoming federal/state might with zero violence
The book explores a winning strategy to ensure electoral victory with zero “Federal or State Might” and zero violence with minimal post-election legal costs. With technology and level of awareness candidates (especially second term candidates) should base their campaign on performance during the first term without being overconfident. In Nigerian elections, the unknown antics of the opposition will always create anticipated risks of violence and post-election legal cost. Hence, a winning strategy must be established and implemented as a guide to deliver on the expected electoral results by confusing the opposition (so they can keep chasing shadows) while the most credible candidate focuses on performance and operational maneuvering.
Background facts and assumption for every election from the global (for national and state elections), national (state and LGA elections) and state (for LGA and wards elections) levels must be researched and understood. This background must be followed with what can be coined the Eight Ss (8 Ss) of the winning team (scenarios, strategy, structure, systems, schedules, shared-message, style and staffing). The shared-message encapsulates the self-actualization vision of the candidate and the policy thrust of such an incoming elected official. Constitutional and time honored zonal and rotational requirements need not be interruption nor distraction for the good of the constituency. Contemporary campaign message for all stakeholders including the global community must be is in alignment with the internationally adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a solid benchmark.
With the basic facts and assumptions, opposition research must be continuous. The 8Ss framework must be clearly articulated, documented and assimilated by key players on a confidential and need to know basis. This framework is followed by funding analysis and the key implementation planning activities including: Teams formation and action plans, Selection of key performance indicators (KPIs), PVC registration, pre-election-day preparation, election-day and post-election. The KPIs will help key stakeholders and the candidate to monitor, track and report progress for course correction action (s) if and when necessary. Team members and project staff must be trained and properly engaged to understand and execute the strategy effectively for successful conclusion and expected result in anticipation of good governance in the coming administration.
The proposed book is intended for a general read and emancipatory worldview towards a freer and more credible election institutionalization in Nigeria. It will be covered in six chapters outlined below:
- Introduction
- Facts and Assumptions and Opposition Research
- Eight (8) Ss
- Scenarios
- Strategy
- Structure
- Systems
- Schedules
- Shared Message
- Style
- Staffing
- Funding Analysis
- Key Implementation Planning Activities
- Teams Formation and Action Plans
- Selection of Key Performance Indicators
- Permanent Voters Card (PVC) Registration
- Post PVC Registration
- Electoral Campaign
- Pre-Election
- Election Day
- Post-Election
- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations